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Rehearsal – 1-5-12 – Havertown, PA


Wally Urbanavage – electric guitar Rob Simpson – acoustic guitar, vocals

Link to all the MP3’s

D7 thing (New Song Idea) (Rob Simpson/The 9:30 Club) – MP3 D7 thing (Take 2, Rob on Lead guitar) – MP3 Dancin’ In The Streets – MP3 What’s Going On? > Eyes of The World tease > What’s Going […]

Rehearsal Tune List – 10/28/11


Rob Simpson – acoustic guitar, vocals Wally Urbanavage – electric guitar, acoustic guitar, vocals

Eyes of the World Jam –> What’s Goin’ On (Marvin Gaye) Fly Away (Lenny Kravitz) Big Railroad Blues (Noah Lewis) Blues Stomp in E (The 9:30 Club) Broken Arrow (Robbie Robertson) Deal (Jerry Garcia, Robert Hunter) Mississippi Half Step (Robert […]

12-2-11 Rehearsal Tune List With Free MP3 Downloads


12/2/2011 Rehearsal – Havertown, Pa

Big Railroad Blues* (Noah Lewis) Fly Away* (Lenny Kravitz) Who Do You Love* (Bo Diddley) Dancing in the Streets* (William “Mickey” Stevenson and Marvin Gaye) Good Morning Little School Girl* (“Sonny Boy” Williamson) Turn on Your Love Light* (Joe Scott) What’s Going On* > (Marvin Gaye) Eyes of the World […]

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